BABY TEETH: Ahead of the game or overstaying their welcome?

When Dr. Gina Lee’s patients come in for their complimentary smile exam, many have concerns about their baby teeth. Are they coming out too soon? Will they ever fall out? While it can be a waiting game for all of the baby teeth to make a break for it, those teeth are designed to come out in the order they got there!

BABY TEETH: Ahead of the game or overstaying their welcome? 1

The American Association of Orthodontists and Dr. Gina Lee would like to see their younger patients starting at the age of 7 to monitor their dental growth and development. This gives her the opportunity to answer any questions or ease any concerns the parents may have about their child’s orthodontic needs. Most kids will be primary teeth-free by the age of 11 or 12, which is the prime time for braces to do their job. However, everyone is different and will develop at his or her own pace. This age is merely an average and does not determine delayed or premature dental growth.

The dental growth and development appointment that Dr. Gina Lee provides is an excellent tool for gauging ideal treatment timing for the highest quality results. Once all of the baby teeth have left the building Dr. Lee can begin to work her magic on making the smile perfect!

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