
How Much Do Adult Braces Cost

How Much Do Braces For Adults Cost in 2024?

How much do braces for adults cost? This is by far the most common question that orthodontists receive and an important one that all patients want to know. It falls along the lines of “how much is a purse?” or “how much will it be to fix my car?” There are many factors to consider […]


Dr. Gina Lee’s Helpful Hacks: Brushing with Braces!

As always it is crucial to avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods, but even if you do, the components of braces cannot avoid trapping just about every type of food. As a result, in order to prevent plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum inflammation, you must thoroughly clean your teeth after each meal. At the […]

T’was the Night Before Braces

T’was the Night Before Braces

T’was the night before braces and all through my room, Were the thoughts of all the candy that I won’t be able to consume! Milk Duds, Sour Patch, and Gummy Worms galore! Enough candy to make the biggest sweet tooth sore. My friends who have braces say there is no need to fret! There will […]


Dr. Gina Lee’s Helpful Hacks: Never Too Old for a Perfect Smile!

The most important factor in deciding on orthodontic treatment is oral health, not your age! People most commonly associate braces with pre-teens and middle school days, however, many adults are gaining their perfect smile through orthodontic treatment. The most important factor in deciding on orthodontic treatment is oral health, not your age! ALL patients must […]

October Means Halloween & National Orthodontic Health Month

October Means Halloween & National Orthodontic Health Month

October means something a little different to our team at Brier Creek Orthodontics because we celebrate Halloween and it is also National Orthodontic Health Month. During October, orthodontic offices all over the country work together to promote their services and inform the community about the important work we do as well as help you with some […]

Let’s Celebrate National Orthodontics Month

Let’s Celebrate National Orthodontics Month

October is here and this month we’re celebrating National Orthodontics Month! There is no better time to address your oral health. Orthodontics is a specialized dentistry field which deals with teeth and jaw alignment to help enhance a person’s oral health and aesthetics. Orthodontic treatment is common among children from the age of 8-14 years […]

Dr. Gina Lee’s Helpful Hacks: When Will Your Braces Come Off?

“When can I get my braces off?” We hear this question all the time. Knowing when you will be able to get your braces off can give you a goal to look forward to. While it is impossible to predict, months or years ahead of time, exactly when you will be able to get your […]

Your First Orthodontic Visit: What to Expect

Your First Orthodontic Visit: What to Expect

Your First Visit to Brier Creek Orthodontics: What to Expect Even as young as 7, children are usually ready for their first visit to an orthodontist – even to just assess their oral health and check for potential problems that are much easier to fix when caught early. Whether your child is preparing for their […]


Can Braces Fix My Speech?

Do you suffer from a lisp or whistling when pronouncing certain sounds? Along with your speech impairment, is your bite off? Orthodontic treatment could be the solution for clear speech, straight teeth, and an overall healthy smile. There are multiple types of bite issues that can cause speech impediments. When the upper front teeth are […]

A photo by Ben White

BABY TEETH: Ahead of the game or overstaying their welcome?

When Dr. Gina Lee’s patients come in for their complimentary smile exam, many have concerns about their baby teeth. Are they coming out too soon? Will they ever fall out? While it can be a waiting game for all of the baby teeth to make a break for it, those teeth are designed to come […]