It is very easy to come in the office for simple emergencies with braces, but what do you do if it is over the holidays when the office is closed or if you are traveling? Have no fear…Dr. Lee’s Helpful Hacks is here to help you through your orthodontic emergency and keep your spirits high this holiday season!
Poking Wires:
It is very common for wires to shift while your teeth are moving into new positions. This can be a sign that the braces are doing their job! However, we know that this can sometimes cause discomfort. Dr. Lee recommends using wax for the poking wires to alleviate pain. If the wires are long and causing a significant amount of discomfort, clip them with nail clippers and place wax if needed.
Broken Brackets:
This issue is most commonly related to eating hard or sticky foods that damage the braces. Broken brackets are not usually a true emergency unless they are causing immense pain. The bracket can be taken off the wire if there is discomfort or apply some wax to the rough parts of the appliance. Just keep track of the bracket and bring it with you at your next visit to Dr. Lee and she can replace it for you!
Wire Is Out
Wires popping out of the back brackets are common and nothing to be alarmed about. If you are able to, you can slip the wire back in the bracket hole with your fingers or tweezers. Placing the wax or clipping the wire is another option if the wire cannot be replaced or is causing you discomfort.
Missing Colored Bands (o-rings)
The colorful band that holds the wire in the bracket can sometimes break or pop off. If this happens, NO WORRIES! There is no need for an emergency appointment or call. These can be replaced at the next visit with Dr. Lee!
**As always, if you feel that you are experiencing a TRUE Medical emergency call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room!**
Happy Holidays from Dr. Gina Lee & Brier Creek Orthodontics/North Durham Orthodontics team!
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