T’was the night before braces and all through my room,
Were the thoughts of all the candy that I won’t be able to consume!
Milk Duds, Sour Patch, and Gummy Worms galore!
Enough candy to make the biggest sweet tooth sore.
My friends who have braces say there is no need to fret!
There will be lots of ice cream for me, I bet!
My stocking will be filled with Dr. Lee approved candy!
The wires will not shift, which will make me feel dandy.
Treatment could be long, and that fills me with dread.
But visions of a beautiful straight smile dance in my head!
My teeth are crooked with gaps and spaces.
I need Dr. Gina Lee to put them into the right places!
I can change the colors to anything I please.
Blue, Orange, Purple, Red or even Green like Christmas Trees!
I know the Brier Creek team will treat me with great care,
And I will follow the rules so we will make the best pair!
In the end I will wear my retainer, so my smile will stay,
I would hate for all the hard work to just go away.
A straight smile can make your life great.
The opportunity is here so WHY would you WAIT?
Dr. Gina Lee is prepared so tell your mother, brother, and wife.
Great smiles like these will stay with you for life!
We send these good wishes to those who make it worthwhile,
Happy Holidays to All and to All a Straight Smile!
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