Dr. Lee’s Helpful Hacks : Surviving Halloween with Braces

Halloween is a perfect holiday to get together with friends, dress up as a crazy character, and indulge in FREE candy! While most kids never second guess diving into their buckets of candy, those with braces must be extra cautious of the tricky, sticky candy!

Those with braces should avoid any kind of candy that could damage or even break their braces. Here are a few of Dr. Lee’s tips and tricks for making it through Halloween without writing a horror story of your own.

Surviving Halloween With Braces | Dr. Lee's Hacks

Dr. Lee’s Hacks

Go Through Candy Right Away

BCO Candy Buy Back 2017

After the night of trick or treating has ended, sit down and go through your candy. Not only can this keep you safe from candy that might have been tampered with, but it also helps you set aside candy for our Candy Buy Back event. Dr. Gina Lee will pay you $1 per pound of any unwanted treats!

Avoid Chewy, Sticky Or Hard

The most spooky types of candy to avoid are things that are chewy, sticky, or hard. An easy solution is to give the tricky treats to a sibling or a friend who does not have braces. BROWNIE POINTS=donate it to Brier Creek Orthodontics’ Candy Buy Back where the candy will be donated to the local Ronald McDonald House where kids did not get any candy or were not able to participate in Trick-or-Treating. It always pays to be kind. Click HERE for more information!

Surviving Halloween With Braces | Dr. Lee's Hacks

Brush And Floss Right Away

Remember to brush and floss extra well after filling your belly with all that candy. NO ONE likes smelly breath or more cavities. The key to everyone’s treatment is to follow the rules, so the braces come off sooner!

Something For Everyone At Halloween Parties

Think ahead if you are going to a party or will be giving out sweet treats for Halloween. Make sure to have something everyone can enjoy. Check this out!

We hope Dr.Lee’s Helpful hacks, tips, and tricks will help you avoid a potentially sticky situation. Dr. Lee and the Brier Creek Orthodontics team wish you a safe and spook-tacular Halloween.

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